
High Post Golf Club

Entrant List for High Post Men's Senior Pairs Open

156 players have been signed up for this competition as of 3:58 PM Friday 14th February

Stig Andersen (28.8)
Jeff Anderson (Kingsdown)
Jack Arkley (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club)
Kevin Arthur (9.2)
Gordon Ashworth (Upavon)
Neal Austin (4.3)
Bob Baddams (Southampton Golf Club)
Julian Baugh (Orchardleigh)
Steve Best (North Wilts Golf Club)
Derek Blundell (Southampton Golf Club)
Shaun Botha (11.1)
Kevin Bouault (Southampton Golf Club)
Alistair Bowditch ()
David Bowdler (16.7)
Simon Bowdler (The South Staffordshire Golf Club)
Paul Brewer (21.6)
Kevin Brimble (Mendip Golf Club)
Phil Callan (Bath Golf Club)
Mick Carter (Southampton Golf Club)
Anthony Chambers (Weymouth)
Andy Collins (Burnham & Berrow)
Chris Comley (Southampton Golf Club)
John Croft (25.9)
Rod Crossley (9.3)
Mr Gary Cuff (Weymouth)
Simon Davis (4.4)
Paul Devenish (10.0)
Steven Dewey (Weymouth)
Eric Dewsnap (13.6)
Danny Dowell (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
David Dredge (West Wilts)
Steve Drew (Bramshaw)
Ray Drury (Kingsdown)
Andrew Dunsdon (Barton-on-Sea)
Robert Durman (Dorset Golf & Country)
John Eynon (Moors Valley)
Kevin Farminer (Skylark)
Chris Faulkner (Marlborough)
Christopher Fell (The Gog Magog)
Wayne Frankham (Basingstoke)
Alan Fussell (Kingsdown)
Rich Gardner (Southampton Golf Club)
Roger Gear (Moors Valley)
Howard George (Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club)
Ian Gilmour (Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club)
Colin Gittings (21.0)
Steve Golding (Barton-on-Sea)
Chris Goodall (Moors Valley)
Michael Gordon (12.6)
Matthew Gould ()
Dougie Gray (Broadstone (Dorset) Golf Club)
Simon Green (13.2)
Tim Grimshaw CBE (29.0)
Martin Hancock (21.3)
Nigel Hancock (23.7)
Adrian Harding (16.8)
Lionel (Len) Harris (Weymouth)
Kevin Hazzard (18.8)
Geoffrey Hembery (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club)
Bernard Hiscock (12.6)
Steve Hobbs (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club)
Jerry Hodge (Burnham & Berrow)
Michael Holmes* (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Rob Horsfield (30.0)
Stephen David Howard (Weymouth)
Paul Howlett (North Wilts Golf Club)
Alan Hughes (Cirencester Golf Club)
Mark Humphries (Weymouth)
Andrew Peter Hunt (Ashley Wood Golf Club)
David Hyland (8.2)
Tom Inch (Honiton)
David Ingram (Basset Down)
Kim Jenkins (14.3)
Steven John (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Paul Johnston (11.8)
Paul Johnston (Canford School)
Glyn Jones (21.2)
Brian Joyce (Basset Down)
Chris Keen (19.0)
Gerry King (South Beds)
Robert Knight (6.1)
David Lawson (24.0)
Miles Leonard (Honiton)
Steve Lewington (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Christopher Li (Southampton Golf Club)
Henry Lightbody (Broome Manor)
Robert Longley-Cook (12.0)
Graham Macaulay (North Wilts Golf Club)
Andy Macey (Bramshaw)
Peter Mack (Marlborough)
Andy Madgwick (Okehampton Golf Club)
Richard Manners (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club)
Neil Mcdonald (St Pierre Golf Club)
A K McFerran (West Wilts)
Andrew McFerran (West Wilts)
Chris McShane (19.3)
Stuart Meaden (Ashley Wood Golf Club)
Kevin Moodie ()
Peter Mooney (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Steve Myers (Southampton Golf Club)
Leslie Oram (Basingstoke)
Alan Parsons ()
David Peet (Wheathill)
Dirk Pinnell (West Wilts)
Philip Piper (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Peter David Pull (Barton-on-Sea)
Andy Purkiss (Southampton Golf Club)
John Quinn (Royal Winchester)
Robert Randall (Basingstoke)
Peter Rattue (9.5)
Steve Rattue (Canford School)
Adam Reed (5.6)
Michael Andrew Robson (Weymouth)
Javed Rogers ()
Kevin Rowe (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Peter Rutledge (Long Ashton)
Martin Sambrook (Temple)
Douglas Sanderson (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club)
Graham Scott (11.4)
David Searle (17.0)
Nigel Sharp (Barton-on-Sea)
Nigel Sharp (Bramshaw)
Peter George SHAW (Weymouth)
Tom Shaw (Chippenham Golf Club)
Nigel Shelley (Moors Valley)
Peter Shepherd (Cirencester Golf Club)
Mike Sheppard (10.3)
Alan Simmonds (Upavon)
James Sinclair (Weymouth)
P Spicer (Weymouth)
Terry Spreadbury (19.0)
Barry Steele (Fulwell)
Neil Stephens (West Wilts)
Timothy John Stevens (Weymouth)
Ivor Stone (20.7)
David Stunt (Weymouth)
Jonathan Sweeney ()
Steve Symonds (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club)
Neil Taylor (Remedy Oak)
Brian Thomas (Broadstone (Dorset) Golf Club)
Philip Thompson (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club)
Nigel Thorne (Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club)
A P Trim (West Wilts)
Philip Waddell (West Surrey)
Paul Walden (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Tony Waldron (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club)
Terry Walton (24.7)
John Wandless (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club)
Frank Ward (Burnham & Berrow)
Mark Waring (19.2)
Leslie Webb (Shanklin & Sandown Golf Club)
Paul Webb (Weymouth)
Robin Webb (Remedy Oak)
Kevin Weston (Basingstoke)
Stephen Woods (Burnham & Berrow)
Bill Young (Puttenham)

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