156 players have been signed up for this competition as of 3:58 PM Friday 14th February
Stig Andersen (28.8) |
Jeff Anderson (Kingsdown) |
Jack Arkley (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club) |
Kevin Arthur (9.2) |
Gordon Ashworth (Upavon) |
Neal Austin (4.3) |
Bob Baddams (Southampton Golf Club) |
Julian Baugh (Orchardleigh) |
Steve Best (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Derek Blundell (Southampton Golf Club) |
Shaun Botha (11.1) |
Kevin Bouault (Southampton Golf Club) |
Alistair Bowditch () |
David Bowdler (16.7) |
Simon Bowdler (The South Staffordshire Golf Club) |
Paul Brewer (21.6) |
Kevin Brimble (Mendip Golf Club) |
Phil Callan (Bath Golf Club) |
Mick Carter (Southampton Golf Club) |
Anthony Chambers (Weymouth) |
Andy Collins (Burnham & Berrow) |
Chris Comley (Southampton Golf Club) |
John Croft (25.9) |
Rod Crossley (9.3) |
Mr Gary Cuff (Weymouth) |
Simon Davis (4.4) |
Paul Devenish (10.0) |
Steven Dewey (Weymouth) |
Eric Dewsnap (13.6) |
Danny Dowell (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club) |
David Dredge (West Wilts) |
Steve Drew (Bramshaw) |
Ray Drury (Kingsdown) |
Andrew Dunsdon (Barton-on-Sea) |
Robert Durman (Dorset Golf & Country) |
John Eynon (Moors Valley) |
Kevin Farminer (Skylark) |
Chris Faulkner (Marlborough) |
Christopher Fell (The Gog Magog) |
Wayne Frankham (Basingstoke) |
Alan Fussell (Kingsdown) |
Rich Gardner (Southampton Golf Club) |
Roger Gear (Moors Valley) |
Howard George (Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club) |
Ian Gilmour (Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club) |
Colin Gittings (21.0) |
Steve Golding (Barton-on-Sea) |
Chris Goodall (Moors Valley) |
Michael Gordon (12.6) |
Matthew Gould () |
Dougie Gray (Broadstone (Dorset) Golf Club) |
Simon Green (13.2) |
Tim Grimshaw CBE (29.0) |
Martin Hancock (21.3) |
Nigel Hancock (23.7) |
Adrian Harding (16.8) |
Lionel (Len) Harris (Weymouth) |
Kevin Hazzard (18.8) |
Geoffrey Hembery (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club) |
Bernard Hiscock (12.6) |
Steve Hobbs (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club) |
Jerry Hodge (Burnham & Berrow) |
Michael Holmes* (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Rob Horsfield (30.0) |
Stephen David Howard (Weymouth) |
Paul Howlett (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Alan Hughes (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Mark Humphries (Weymouth) |
Andrew Peter Hunt (Ashley Wood Golf Club) |
David Hyland (8.2) |
Tom Inch (Honiton) |
David Ingram (Basset Down) |
Kim Jenkins (14.3) |
Steven John (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Paul Johnston (11.8) |
Paul Johnston (Canford School) |
Glyn Jones (21.2) |
Brian Joyce (Basset Down) |
Chris Keen (19.0) |
Gerry King (South Beds) |
Robert Knight (6.1) |
David Lawson (24.0) |
Miles Leonard (Honiton) |
Steve Lewington (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Christopher Li (Southampton Golf Club) |
Henry Lightbody (Broome Manor) |
Robert Longley-Cook (12.0) |
Graham Macaulay (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Andy Macey (Bramshaw) |
Peter Mack (Marlborough) |
Andy Madgwick (Okehampton Golf Club) |
Richard Manners (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club) |
Neil Mcdonald (St Pierre Golf Club) |
A K McFerran (West Wilts) |
Andrew McFerran (West Wilts) |
Chris McShane (19.3) |
Stuart Meaden (Ashley Wood Golf Club) |
Kevin Moodie () |
Peter Mooney (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Steve Myers (Southampton Golf Club) |
Leslie Oram (Basingstoke) |
Alan Parsons () |
David Peet (Wheathill) |
Dirk Pinnell (West Wilts) |
Philip Piper (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Peter David Pull (Barton-on-Sea) |
Andy Purkiss (Southampton Golf Club) |
John Quinn (Royal Winchester) |
Robert Randall (Basingstoke) |
Peter Rattue (9.5) |
Steve Rattue (Canford School) |
Adam Reed (5.6) |
Michael Andrew Robson (Weymouth) |
Javed Rogers () |
Kevin Rowe (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Peter Rutledge (Long Ashton) |
Martin Sambrook (Temple) |
Douglas Sanderson (Wrag Barn Golf & Country Club) |
Graham Scott (11.4) |
David Searle (17.0) |
Nigel Sharp (Barton-on-Sea) |
Nigel Sharp (Bramshaw) |
Peter George SHAW (Weymouth) |
Tom Shaw (Chippenham Golf Club) |
Nigel Shelley (Moors Valley) |
Peter Shepherd (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Mike Sheppard (10.3) |
Alan Simmonds (Upavon) |
James Sinclair (Weymouth) |
P Spicer (Weymouth) |
Terry Spreadbury (19.0) |
Barry Steele (Fulwell) |
Neil Stephens (West Wilts) |
Timothy John Stevens (Weymouth) |
Ivor Stone (20.7) |
David Stunt (Weymouth) |
Jonathan Sweeney () |
Steve Symonds (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club) |
Neil Taylor (Remedy Oak) |
Brian Thomas (Broadstone (Dorset) Golf Club) |
Philip Thompson (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club) |
Nigel Thorne (Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club) |
A P Trim (West Wilts) |
Philip Waddell (West Surrey) |
Paul Walden (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club) |
Tony Waldron (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club) |
Terry Walton (24.7) |
John Wandless (Cricket St Thomas Golf Club) |
Frank Ward (Burnham & Berrow) |
Mark Waring (19.2) |
Leslie Webb (Shanklin & Sandown Golf Club) |
Paul Webb (Weymouth) |
Robin Webb (Remedy Oak) |
Kevin Weston (Basingstoke) |
Stephen Woods (Burnham & Berrow) |
Bill Young (Puttenham) |